Devin Burke Apps

Gluten Checker 1.0
Devin Burke
Gluten Checker at its core is meant to be asimply way to check if something is gluten free or glutencontaining. Its main functions takes in a users input and checks itagainst our database. As well the app allows users to submit fooditems to be added to the database. Finally it also contains twocore lists. One showing gluten free foods and the other showinggluten containing for those who want to browse.
Weight Tracker2 2.0
Devin Burke
Tracks Users weights anddisplaysgraphically
Creative Resume 3.0
Devin Burke
This application has the followingfeaturesthat highlight my java and XML skills:1. Compatible with all Devices of different screen sizes2. Compatible for use with Tablets as well3. Compatible with various versions and API levels4. Makes us of multiple different types of layouts, views,intents,and animation5. Uses action bar, graphic styling, and widgets6. Usable with multiple screen densities including ldpi, hdpi,mdpi,and xhdpi